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Artist Statement


My artwork is my escape, my escape from reality, my escape from stress and my escape from everyday life. My artwork challenges me in ways I'm not used to, I'm forced to lead with a hands on approach. Overall my artwork takes allows my mind to become free and allows me to take my emotions and expel them into a 3-d form.

      Most people start their art process with sketches, which I also do. I also research my project before I begin. I begin with sketches just as most artists do, but I create my sketches just to get my initial step started, after that my emotions and mood just take off. My projects almost never look at all like my sketches, if I come across a problem with my construction I change it, and that's where I differ from most artists.

    Lately you can say I've been pretty stressed  out. Now you won't look at my work and think that, but if you look at the deeper meaning behind my work I think you'd see that. If you look at my recent work I've had a lot of functional smooth edged pieces, I've also used the wheel a lot. The wheel juxtaposes my stress being that it creates symmetrical pieces and smooth pieces unlike the jaggedness of my life. It acts as my escape and safe haven and I  believe that is reflected in my pieces.

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